5 Minutes With The Cast from Mamma Mia! The Party

Mamma Mia! The Party is your dream Greek holiday, right in the heart of London. This theatrical dining experience was created by ABBA’s Björn Ulvaeus, where you take your seat at Niko's family-run taverna as you discover a warm, romantic and funny story performed all around you.

They are now booking until June 2025, and to celebrate we had a chat with some of the cast members from the show - Blue's Antony Costa, Adam Redford, Oscar Balmaseda, Molly Cleere and Gemma Maclean.

Check out our conversation below, and book your tickets today!

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How would you describe Mamma Mia! The Party to someone who has never heard about it?

Antony Costa: Mamma Mia! The Party is an experience you will never forget! As an audience member, you can have a fantastic 4-course Greek meal and 4 hours of pure entertainment.

Oscar Balmaseda: It’s an immersive experience like no other. It’s not just ABBA songs and a fun night out, it’s bigger than that. It is a unique setting where you’re literally transported to a Greek island while having dinner. You will laugh along to the story and dance and sing along to ABBA’s greatest hits in an unexpected way that is hard to describe until you experience it. It brings together the joys of the West End theatre, fine dining and an incredible disco party, all in one evening.

Rather than being just a theatre show, the whole event is an immersive experience. In what ways can the audience get involved?

Molly Cleere: The audience is so involved in the overall experience, there are secret elements of interaction with the audience within the storyline, as well as through the songs. The audience can dance and sing along, and often help to bring the story alive in real time with their reactions to the cast.

Gemma Maclean: We chat to guests, we hear their stories, we actively encourage them to make their feelings known during the evening! And they do! During the emotive scenes the audience are supporting us, during the uplifting scenes the audience are dancing with us, during the funny scenes they are laughing alongside us.

What can you tell us about the storyline of the show? And the characters you play?

Adam Redford: The storyline is brand new and a follow-on story from behind the scenes of the set of the Mamma Mia! the films. My character’s name is Reuben and he works as a waiter in Nikos Taverna.

Antony: It is a love story between my daughter Konstantina and the love of her life Adam. I play Nikos the owner of the taverna and he’s a very protective father.

Molly: The story follows the journey of Nikos and his family. I play Konstantina, his daughter, who has a love interest, Adam, that Nikos doesn’t approve of. The show follows various characters’ storylines but the audience are in for a night of chaos, music, passion, and joy as Konstantina navigates whether to choose happiness or respect the views of her father and grandmother. The night ends with an incredible ABBA show where we celebrate the happy ending (no spoilers here) and party into the night.

Oscar: The story is set in a Greek taverna on the island of Skopelos. The taverna owner, Nikos, his family, and other staff members provide an environment for a story filled with love, family dynamics, and humorous interactions among the characters and with guests. I play Fernando, who is a character that provides versatility in his job skills. I make sure guests are happy, entertained and do various jobs that Nikos might ask for.

Gemma: I play Kate, I own the taverna, along with my husband, Nikos. The story is connected around a few things – the Mamma Mia! movies, what brought us all to Skopelos in Greece, our relationships, (Wife and husband, daughter and Nephew, best friends, and a whole lot more!) Our story covers a plethora of emotions! I personally, as Kate, go from anxious, to loving, to a bit mischievous, to scolding, to angry, to heartbroken, to happy, to playful, and end up in love!

What is your favourite part of the show? And also, your favourite song to perform?

Antony: My favourite part of the show is finale for sure because you really see the audience get up on their feet and dancing and singing along.

Adam: My favourite part is the mega mix at the end. It’s banger after banger after banger, you are in ABBA heaven! My favourite song to perform is ‘I’ve Been Waiting For You’ when I play Adam as it’s super fun to sing on the ladder and has a beautiful harmony.

Molly: My favourite part of the show is the dream sequence in Act 2 where the audience are transported into a dream-like world. I also love the finale as it is the ultimate ABBA party and the audience get to feed off our energy. My favourite song to perform is definitely ‘The Winner Takes It All’ - the audience always have such personal reactions to the song and it is an honour to perform such an iconic, beautiful song every night.

Oscar: My favourite part of the evening is singing Dancing Queen. It’s the culmination of the night and we walk through the crowd of guests while singing it. You can really see the joy on people’s faces and feel their appreciation. It’s very rewarding as a performer to watch them having so much fun and loving what we have given to the audience.

Gemma: My favourite part of the show is during a scene with my husband, Nikos. He uncharacteristically says something rude and disrespectful to me, and I react accordingly! The audience really get behind me on this scene, and it makes me smile! I get to play angry, and sarcastic and it’s really fun! Then within a few seconds, I’m playing a very loving scene and then I’m heartbroken all in one scene! I love it! My favourite song to sing is SOS. It’s a joy to perform. I’m all alone, and the first chords play, and the audience go wild! They’re clearly waiting for this number, so I’m spurred on by their reaction.

The food and drink is of course another big part of the experience, what can visitors expect to feast on?

Antony: It really is a Greek feast. It starts with bread, hummus, olives and tzatziki, followed by a classic Greek salad, then lamb and beef, finishing with delicious lemon cake. The customers won’t be disappointed.

Gemma: I spent a couple of evenings at the taverna, prior to playing Kate, so I experienced the atmosphere and sampled all the food. I’m vegan so I thought I’d be given a salad as usual when dining out, but far from it! I was catered for very well. The Greek menu is fabulous. Everyone is full when they leave, and I can personally vouch for the vegan doughnuts being mouth wateringly good!

How much goes into the creation of the set? It’s hard to believe that this is in the middle of London, it really looks like a Greek taverna!

Antony: The set is unbelievable! It still makes me smile to this day. It’s literally like being in Skopelos and you can see the effort that has gone into it to make it feel like you are on holiday.

Adam: I was so blown away by the level of detail in the set when I first saw it. Everything has been thought of in great depth even down to the small leaves sprouting out of the stone walls.

Molly: The set was thoughtfully designed and took an incredibly long time to finish. The set is the first thing the audience see when they enter and blows everyone away. It was designed around an authentic Greek taverna and is incredibly intricate down to the smallest details to create the perfect Greek setting for the show.

Oscar: It really does! It makes you feel transported to an island in Greece and the attention to detail is phenomenal. People really forget they’re in The O2! There’s even a few windows and doors around the taverna that were used on the set of the Mamma Mia! films, that’s how detailed and special it is!

Are there any special surprises audiences can expect?

Antony: You will have to come and see…

Adam: Fire, water and all of the elements!

Molly: I think there are so many surprises that the audience have no idea about, and even a sneak peek online can’t prepare them for the spectacle that they’ll witness in person. I won’t give too much away, but there’s fire, confetti, disco balls and all sorts of good stuff that they don’t want to miss!

Oscar: Well, if I told you that you it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore, would it?! Let’s just say that there are a few moments that will make your jaw drop. But even as a whole, the entire experience will be a like big surprise, there really isn’t anything like it!


You can book tickets now to this unique theatrical dining experience!

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I'm Abi - a lover of festivals, food and all things music!

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