5 Minutes With The Moss

Earlier this month, we caught up with Salt Lake City based band The Moss ahead of their upcoming UK tour next month. After the release of their latest single 'Alive' this June, we were eager to find out what the band have planned for the rest of 2024 and beyond..



To set the scene - tell us a little bit about yourselves.

We are The Moss band and we hail from Salt Lake City, Utah but each band member is from somewhere different. Tyke is from Hawaii, Willie is from Arizona, Tyler is from Las Vegas, and Mowgli is from Seattle! The band formed in Hawaii and that's where some of our reggae sound comes from but we love rock and going hard.


How does the songwriting dynamic work within the band? Do you prefer writing together or bringing individually written ideas/songs to the rest of the band?

Usually Tyke will bring a mostly finished song or sometimes a melody then the rest of the band will add their parts and we will all work it together!


There are so many different influences to be heard in your music - Since your first album, 'Bryology', have your sources of inspiration changed or stayed largely the same?

Our sources of inspiration are always changing and I think that's why our sound is always different. But some sources of inspiration will always remain like classic rock, reggae and some other current indie bands.


Your latest single 'Alive' is brilliant, and sonically quite different from say, your 2021 album 'Kentucky Derby'. Can we expect more of the sounds we hear in 'Alive' or is this slight sonic change just a symptom of your eclectic nature as a band?

Alive is a little unique but most of our other new stuff will have a hint of that sound.





You've got a pretty extensive tour ahead of you this September/October - how does it feel to be preparing for life on the road?

It's always exciting having a tour coming up. Tour is great. You get to go out, play your new music, and see how it's received. And along the way you get to see so much of the world and meet so many cool people. Soo much happens in just one day on tour and you gotta look and take in the little things cause those can be the most special.


With loads of US dates on your upcoming tour, how does playing in America differ to the UK for you guys?

This is our first time in the UK! How is fish n chips different from some fried fish and fries?


Do you have a favourite city / venue to play?

We love surfing and being close to the ocean. So any city that is coastal. Our all agreed upon show/venue so far has been the Troubadour in LA. Sweet home California! And we can't wait to play at the iconic Wiltern in November!


Do you have a favourite memory from being on the road together?

Along with loving surfing we love to always find a good river for a swim to break up the drive. So it's kind of a tour essential to always find a good clean clear river to swim in. The best one we ever found was after a show we played in Olympia WA and we went into the Olympic national forest. One of the best river swims in the world, right there in sasquatches backyard!


Finally - can we expect some new music debuts on your upcoming tour?

Yes we usually use tours to project new songs. We will be playing one or two new songs each night. We got a lot of new songs in the holster!



You can check out their music here and find tickets to his upcoming UK dates below.



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Hi, I'm Will. I'm a musician, lover of tunes & peep show enthusiast, amongst other less important character traits. Found most content in the pub or on my guitar.

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